Meditation: The RejectionWhen I meet a pretty girl and beg her: 'Please be so kind and come along with me,' and she goes by without saying a word, what she means is:'You are no duke with extravagant name; no broad American, built like Red Indian, with level imperturbable gaze, whose skin has been massaged by the winds of the prairies and the waters of the rivers flowing through them; you have made no journeys to the great lakes and voyaged there, wherever these may be found. So why, I ask you, should a pretty girl like me go along with you?''You forget that no limousine carries you in long thrusts swaying through the street; nor can I see your escort of gentlemen, pressed into their suitings, following behind you in a strict semi-circle and murmuring their blessings on your head; your breasts are indeed neatly ordered in your bodice, but your thighs and hips make up for that restraint; you're wearing a taffeta dress with pleats, like those which delighted every one of us last autumn, and yet - with this mortal danger upon you - you smile from time to time.''Yes, we are both quite right; and to keep us from being irrefutably aware of it we'd better, don't you think, go our separate ways home.'
The Wanker's Modern Translation:
When I meet a hot chick and go: "wanna hook up?" and she goes by without saying a word, what she means is:
"You are no good-looking stud with fame; no African-American, buff, with mesmerising eyes and a big package; you have no fortune which I can leech off after a divorce, following a brief unromantic marriage. So why, I ask you, should a hot chick like me go home with you?"
"You forget that no limousine carries you around, nor can I see an army of hot guys trailing you, in their bulging tank-tops and skinny jeans, asking for your number; yeah, you have a nice rack but you also have tree trunks for legs and that floral dress was kinda last season, and yet - you reckon you're the hottest shit."
"Yes, I think we are both right. And to stop us from being aware of it (of our insufficiencies) we should go our separate ways home."